
Why Study Japanese?

Vol. 1 - Shawn D'souza

whyjapanese1.jpgAt work, I felt like I wasn't being challenged and so to keep my brain active I decided to take up a new language. I've always been interested in Japan, from it's history to its food and more recently, cartoons. As such, Japanese was a natural choice for me. After the initial trial lesson I was hooked! It's challenging but also very rewarding and by the end of each class I'm always looking forward to the next one. Being out of school, it's nice to keep learning new things. Initially, I just wanted to watch anime without subtitles but now I'd like to actually work in an environment where I can use my Japanese. That is what I'm working towards now. With the help of AITAS, I'm confident I will one day speak Japanese fluently.

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Aitas Japanese Language School